Hi! I’m David Martin, an undergraduate at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. I am passionate in creating and evaluating technologies that provide access across the spectrum of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) community. My primary research focuses are: Sign language centric systems, captioning systems, and identifying avenues of accessibility in emerging technologies.
Currently, I am an undergraduate researcher in the Contextual Computing Group (CCG) under wearable computing pioneer, Thad Starner. Within the CCG, I have worked on captioning glasses, text-entry systems using smart rings to recognize American Sign Language (ASL) fingerspelling, constructing sign language datasets, and creating sign language games using ASL recognition for hearing parents of DHH children.
Previously, I was an undergraduate researcher in the Bhamla Lab under Saad Bhamla where I worked on creating low cost hearing-aids and mobile hearing diagnostic tests. I also Interned at Microsoft Research under Danielle Bragg where I explored ASL dictionary systems to accommodate queries with partial linguistic information.
A fun fact for math geek readers, my Erdős number is 4:
Paul Erdős (0) coauthored Egyptian Fractions with Each Denominator Having Three Distinct Prime Divisors with Ronald L. Graham (1), who coauthored How to play the Majority game with a liar with Jia Mao (2), who coauthored BELT: Bluejeans codE Leak deTection with Thad Starner (3), who coauthored FingerSpeller: Camera-Free Text Entry Using Smart Rings for American Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition with David Martin (4).
Oct 23, 2024 | Created a personal website |